The 9th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC), held in Portorož, Slovenia (June 9-13, 2024), provided many activities and competitions regarding the involvement of young people in biomedical engineering, including IFMBE Scientific Challenge, IFMBE Young Investigator Competition and IFMBE students and recent graduates working group session.

The 1st place in the IFMBE Scientific Challenge belonged to the team from University of Trieste (Francesco Bassi, Simone Kresevic, Alessandro Biscontin, Aleksandar Miladinović, Miloš Ajčević and Agostino Accardo), while the 2nd place award went into the hands of Jacopo Vitale and Martina Sassi from University of Campus Bio-Medico of Rome.

Reagrding the Young Investigator Competition awards, the 1st place was awarded to Tamara Boscarino from University of Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, 2nd place to Adel Alshammari from University of Manchester, while the 3rd place belonged to Joosep Paats from Tallin University of Technology. The list of the finalists of the competition also included Urban Marhl (Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN)), Jiwen Xiong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China) and Krunoslav Jurčić and Matija Roglić (University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia).

IFMBE Students and Recent Graduates Working Group also held a session titled “IFMBE Education in BME: Education in Biomedical Engineering for Students”, including young engineers from all over the world (Salar Tayebi, Santiago Humberto Ramirez Martinez, Shi-Yi Wu, Mariana Brandão, Leslie Yessenia Cieza Huané, Ana Cristina Aldana Palomino) and promoting the importance of networking and sharing ideas among colleagues.