The International Union of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM) was established in 1980 and has been organizing the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering every three years since 1982. International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) and International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) are both constituent organizations of IUPESM. The purpose of this Town Hall is to create awareness about the upcoming IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 29 September – 4 October 2025, Adelaide, Australia.

If you missed it please click here: The IUPESM’s Virtual Global Town Hall on WC2025 


1 CPD/CME point has been applied to this event.

Organizer: Madan Rehani, President IUPESM

Moderator: Magdalena Stoeva, SG IUPESM

Madan Rehani, President IUPESM
Eva Bezak, IUPESM World Congress 2025 Organizing Committee
Ratko Magjarević, President IFMBE
John Damilakis, President IOMP