The EAMBES Fellow’s Committee composed by Jos AE Spaan (chair), Niilo Saranummi, Sergio Cerutti and Ákos Jobbágy, nominated its first cohort of fellows whose induction took place during a ceremony on March 13th, 2012.
Creating a Division of Fellows has been in the plan of the Alliance since the very beginning of its activity. According to the EAMBES’ statute this division consists of ‘individuals who have distinguished themselves by identifiable contributions or accomplishments in Medical and Biological Engineering and Science’. By design, the Division of Fellows aids in the continuity of representation of Biomedical Engineering at the European level. It also ensures strengthening of EAMBES in its caretaking of the interests of member Societies and Institutions by influencing policy makers at the highest professional level.
The EAMBES Fellows committee recently proposed a list of 34 Founding Fellows, which was approved by the EAMBES Council and General Assembly at their last meetings. The new Fellows were formally inducted during a dinner ceremony on March 13, 2012.
It is with great honor that we present the complete list of Founding Fellows selected for 2012:
- Adam Dan, IL
- Bajd Tadej, SI
- Barbenel Joe, UK
- Bianchi Anna, IT
- Black Norman, UK
- Bouten Carlijn, NL
- Carson Ewart , UK
- Cerutti Sergio, IT
- Coatrieux Jean-Louis, FR
- Dittmar Andre, FR
- Einav Shmuel, IL
- Haar Romeny Bart, NL
- Hiie Hinrikus, EE
- Holzapfel Gerhard, AT
- Hutten Helmut, AT
- Jobbagy Akos, HU
- Kirkpatrick James, GE
- Laguna Pablo, ES
- Malmivuo Jaakko, FI
- Nagel Joachim, GE
- Nikita Konstantina, GR
- Pallikarakis Nicolas, GR
- Popovic Dejan, DT
- Prendergast Patrick, IE
- Riener Robert, CH
- Roa Laura, ES
- Saranummi Niilo, FI
- Schima Heinrich, AT
- Siebes Maria, NL
- Sloten Jos, BE
- Spaan Jos, NL
- VanHuffel Sabine, BE
- Wårdell Karin, SE
- Wojcicki Jan, PL
The fellows are a precious resource for the Alliance: their experience, leverage and standing in the biomedical engineering community will play an important role in guiding EAMBES’ future activities and promoting Biomedical Engineering.
The induction ceremony was successful and very well organized and saw the participation of a large number of fellows, representatives of the EAMBES Council, and executives of IFMBE, including the President, Herb Voigh and the President Elect, Ratko Magjarevic and also the President of the AIMBE, the American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering, Raphael Lee.
We take the opportunity to thank once again all the people that contributed to the success of this important initiative and in particular Prof Jos Spaan, the President of the Fellow Committee, who dedicated so much of his time and energy to this: thank you all!