IFMBE Latin America Summer School (July 2th – 6th) “Emerging HealthCare & Digital Tech for Next Generation Remote HealthCare and Assisted Living” was initiated on July 2th 2024, in Bogotá Colombia. In this 8th edition, we have enthusiastic participation from approximately 40 attendees spanning Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, and Peru,  and 70 speakers from Latin America, Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa.

Organized by the Department of Electronics at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Electronics, Bogotá, Colombia, in collaboration with Colombian National association ABIOIN, the Summer School opened with speeches of IFMBE president Ratko Magjarević, Luis Fernando Múnera S.J, Rector of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Prof. Diego Patiño, Director of Electronics department at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and Prof. Martha Zequera, Academic Coordinator of Summer School 2024 and IFMBE Chair E&A and S&RG-WG.

The students have the opportunity to participate in different sessions about various topics like Artificial Intelligence,  Ethics in the medical devices, Clinical Engineering, Digital Transformation, Health technology Innovation. Furthermore they could visit simulators, engineering, and biomedical laboratories. The main task for students attending includes Hackathon including 4 groups working to develop solutions to help improve the health quality of the elderly population, making those tangibles and viables.

The Summer School is an esteemed academic program that convenes professionals, researchers, and students across diverse disciplines to tackle critical challenges in elderly care through global models of healthcare digital transformation. It also provides a vibrant, multicultural environment that fosters interdisciplinary collaboration to enrich the learning experience and make new ideas for the future.

The Summer School 2024 is organized by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Find more information here: