Past Awardees

Vladimir K. Zworykin Award

2022: Metin Akay                                                                                2018: Pai-Chi Li
2015: Chwee Teck Lim
2012: Damijan Miklavcic
2009: Sune Svanberg
2006: Willem J. Kolff

Otto Schmitt Award

2022: Pai-Chi Li                                                                                    2018: Amit Gefen
2018: Bo Håkansson
2015: Karin Wardell
2012: Zhi-Pei Liang
2009: Graeme Clark
2006: Niilo Saranummi
2003: Basil S. Proimos
2000: Herman P. Schwan

James Zimmerman Prize

2018: Tetsuo Kobayashi
2016: Svenja Akkira Knappe
2014: Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur
2012: Andrei N. Matlashov
2010: Nevzat Gencer

Laura Bassi Award

2022: Maria Siebes                                                                              2022: Fatimah Ibrahim                                                                    2018: Maria Lindén
2015: Alison Noble
(The first award was given in 2015)

John A. Hopps Distinguished Service Award

2022: Shankar Krishnan                                                                    2018: Nicolas Pallikarakis
2015: Robert M. Nerem
(The first award was given in 2015)

IUPESM Awards of Merit

2022:                                                                                        Biomedical Engineering: James Goh

2018: Jos A. Spaan

Medical Physics: Peter Smith
Biomedical Engineering: Fumihiko Kajiya

Medical Physics: Caridad Borras
Biomedical Engineering: Joachim H. Nagel

Medical Physics: Gary Fullerton
Biomedical Engineering: William Bonfield

Medical Physics: Pedro Andreo
Biomedical Engineering: Dov Jaron

Medical Physics: Colin Orton
Biomedical Engineering: Robert Nerem

Medical Physics: Keith Boddy
Biomedical Engineering: Masao Saito

Medical Physics: Jack Cunningham
Biomedical Engineering: Robert Plonsey

From 1997 onwards, IUPESM established the Awards of Merit. It is given out to 2 outstanding individuals, one in Medical Physics and the other in Biomedical Engineering.

1994: IUPESM Honours: Rune Walstam (Sweden)
1991: IUPESM Honours: John A. Hopps (Canada)
1988: IUPESM Honours: John Mallard (UK)

Nightingale Award

Dr. Alfred Nightingale was the first Editor of the Journal of the International Federation of Medical & Biological Engineering (IFMBE), now published as Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MBEC). In his memory the Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine presents a prize, awarded every year, for the best paper in the Federation’s Journal. The prize is made in association with IFMBE.

2017: Refined multiscale fuzzy entropy based on standard deviation for biomedical signal analysis (Hamed Azami, Alberto Fernández, Javier Escudero) Med Biol Eng Comput 2017;55:2037–2052. doi 10.1007/s11517-017-1647-5

2016: Multiplane spectroscopic whole-body photoacoustic imaging of small animals in vivo. (Mansik Jeon, Jeesu Kim, Chulhong Kim) Med Biol Eng Comput 2016;54:283-94. doi: 10.1007/s11517-014-1182-6.

2012: Clinically oriented real-time monitoring of the individual’s risk for deep tissue injury. (Portnoy S, Vuillerme N, Payan Y, Gefen A) Med Biol Eng Comput 49:473–483, 2011

2011: New feature extraction approach for epileptic EEG signal detection using time-frequency distributions. (Guerrero-Mosquera C, Trigueros AM, Franco JI, Navia-Vazquez A) Med Biol Eng Comput 48:321–330, 2010

2010: Three-dimensional fibril-reinforced finite element model of articular cartilage. (LP Li, JTM Cheung, W Herzog) Med Biol Eng Comput 47: 607-615

2008: Using a short-term parameter of hart rate variability to distinguish awake from isoflurane anaesthetic states (Hui-Hsun Huang, Yi-Hui, Lee Hsiao-Lung Chan, Yong-Ping Wang, Chi-Hsiang Huang, Shou-Zen Fan), Vol 46, Oct, 2008, 977-984

2007: An effective non parametric method for globally clustering genes from expression profiles (Jingyu Hou, Wei Shi, Gang Li, Wanlei Zhou), Vol 45, Dec, 2007, 1775-1185

2006: Optimal wavelets for biomedical signal compression (Mogens Nielsen, Ernest Nlandu Kamavuako,Michael Midtgaard Andersen, Marie-Francoise Lucas, Dario Farina), Vol 44, July, 2006, 561-568

2005: Vector projection of biomagnetic fields (L A Bradshaw, A Myers, W O Richards, W Drake, J P Wikswo), Vol 43, Jan, 2005, 85-93

2004: The effects of substrate characteristics on bone cell response to the mechanical environment (Y Yang, J Magnay, L Cooling, J J Cooper, A Curtis, A J El Haj), Vol 42, (1), 2004, 22-29

2003: Development and validation of implantable sensors for monitoring function of prosthetic heart valves: in vitro studies (C Lanning, R Shandas), 2003 (41), 416-424