Whereas, as healthcare technology advances, and dependence of provisioning of health care based on such technology rises, innovation, manufacturing and deployment programs must keep pace with such a development by recruiting quality, well-trained professionals capable of understanding the complexity of healthcare equipment, systems operation and applications; and

Whereas, the complexity of healthcare technology today and in the future, makes it essential that those individuals responsible for the safe use, integration and accuracy of these devices and systems are recognized as inestimable resource to the healthcare delivery industry; and

Whereas, clinical, biomedical and other engineers, biomedical equipment technicians and other healthcare technology professionals uniquely serve the needs of medical community, patients and institutions are involved with new technology development to further improve the quality of and access to today’s healthcare; and

Whereas, these professionals research, recommend, install, inspect, integrate, create and comply with standards, and repair medical devices and other complex medical systems throughout its life cycle as well as advise and train others about safe, appropriate and effective use of medical devices, thereby improving quality of health care, controlling healthcare costs and improving patient safety; and

Whereas, outstanding clinical engineers are recognized with awards bestowed on this day; and

Whereas, the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) is a unique federation of national and transnational organizations with more than 120,000 members united by a common goal to increase the understanding and beneficial use of healthcare technologies, and seeks to advance the interests of clinical engineers and other engineering professionals; now

Therefore, the IFMBE hereby proclaims October 21st, as Global Clinical Engineering Day.