Are You Ready for Global Clinical Engineering Day?

~ Mark your calendar – October 21, 2016 ~

On behalf of the Global Clinical Engineering Advisory Board, you are invited to participate and engage in a day-long recognition event celebrating the contributions clinical engineers make every day. Health technology is vital to global health care and therefore its optimal management has never been more critical for patient outcomes.

On October 21, 2016, the first Global Clinical Engineering Day will be celebrated around the world. On that day, for 24 hours, the website will feature interviews with members of the CE community, highlighting associations function from around the world such as ACCE, chat room in different languages, and streaming videos showing off various CE roles and functions.

You are invited to submit photos and, more important, short videos to be broadcast throughout that day. Rotating around the world in each of the world’s time zones, delegates will be online sharing their experiences and responding to participants’ comments. Short videos of up to 5 minutes are preferred as well other material like brochures, professional success stories and similar content are welcome. Please create a video of your department and send it over so we can show off our accomplishments.

This event is sponsored by an international group supported by the International Federation of Biological and Medical Engineering (IFMBE) Clinical Engineering Division (CED), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), and national CE associations including those in Italy, Brazil and China.

For more information, please feel free to contact Yadin David, CE Advisory Board Chairman at [email protected].