Latest news
2012 Call for Nominations
Call for Nominations for IFMBE Officers and AC Members
CED – Call for Nominations 2012
The term for several of Officers (Five Board members) to the Clinical Engineering Division (CED) are ending and we are hereby inviting nominations for these open positions. The elected candidates will serve on the Board for a term of six years.
HTA – Call for Nominations 2012
We are inviting nominations to the Health Care Technology Assessment Division (HTA) Board. The elected candidates will serve on the Board for a term of either three or six years.
Call for Proposal – DFG/ICSU/ISSC Networking Conferences
The DFG, ICSU and ISSC are organising a networking conference in April 2013 in Villa Vigoni at Lake Como in Italy.
Young scientists working on integrated science on food systems are invited to submit their proposals.
General Assembly Election Results
Announcing the general assembly (May 2012, Beijing, CHINA) election results ...
Report on ICSU (June 2012)
Dov Jaron's report on International Council for Science (June 2012)
EMBS 2012-2013 Distinguished Lecturers
Congratulations to Prof Herbert Voigt, President, IFMBE on being selected as one of the EMBS 2012-2013 Distinguished Lecturers!
Expression of Interest WC 2018
The Congress Coordinating Committee invites interested countries to submit the enclosed information: "Letter of Interest in Hosting the 2018 World Congress" and return it to the President of IUPESM at [email protected]. The deadline for receipt of this letter is 1 March 2012.
IFMBE’s objectives are scientific, technological as well as educational & literary
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