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WHO Medical Devices Newsletter (Jan 2021)
The latest newsletter from WHO Medical Devices
In Memoriam – Máximo E. Valentinuzzi (1932 – 2021)
In MemoriamProfessor Máximo E. Valentinuzzi, PhDFebruary 24, 1932 - January 2, 2021 A great driver behind the recognition of Biomedical Engineeringin Argentina and Latin America Dr. Valentinuzzi was the founder of the Regional Council of Biomedical...
WHO Medical Devices Newsletter (Dec 2020)
The latest newsletter from WHO Medical Devices
2020 Gree Women in Engineering Award
Call for Nominations for the 2020 Gree Women in Engineering Award
WHO Medical Devices Newsletter (Nov 2020)
The latest newsletter from WHO Medical Devices
IEEE EMBS Grand Challenges Forum on COVID-19
IEEE Grand Challenges Forum: COVID- 19 Screening, Tracing and Treatment.
IUPESM Fellow Award Giving Ceremony | 20 Nov 20
In connection with its 40th Anniversary, IUPESM developed the IUPESM Fellowship, recognizing outstanding contribution to the international development of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine.
Call for Editor-in-Chief, Health and Technology
IUPESM seeks a scientist with editorial and publishing experience as well as leadership, networking and communication skills to serve as Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the journal "Health and Technology".
IFMBE’s objectives are scientific, technological as well as educational & literary
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