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Medical devices and biomedical engineers needed in response to the Ebola outbreak

Yesterday, the United Nations Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon  visited WHO and urged for actions.

He said that  all  the United Nations and many partners are now joining forces to contain Ebola, under  the  “UN  Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER)”.

So the need for information, guidance and action is urgent also in our area. Thus we hereby want to share with you new information in our page: 

News Archive

IEEE EMBS BRAIN Grand Challenges Conference

The Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society of the IEEE is pleased to announce this exciting conference prior to SfN in Washington DC. The goal of the meeting is to discuss challenges to laying out the road maps addressing BRAIN grand challenges as have been discussed broadly by the scientific community with particular emphasis on engineering challenges to brain research through advancing innovative neurotechnologies, including but not limited to mapping neural circuits, understanding functional neural dynamics, controlling neural circuits and restoring function.

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James Edward Zimmerman Award 2014

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur was awarded the "James Edward Zimmerman Award 2014" for her significant contribution to the development of a new generation of sensors with applications in the field of biomagnetism.

IFMBE’s objectives are scientific, technological as well as educational & literary