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WHO Medical Devices Newsletter (May 2021)
The latest newsletter from WHO Medical Devices
WHO Medical Devices Newsletter (Apr 2021)
The latest newsletter from WHO Medical Devices
WHO Medical Devices Newsletter (Mar 2021)
The latest newsletter from WHO Medical Devices
WHO Medical Devices Newsletter (Feb 2021)
The latest newsletter from WHO Medical Devices
Nature Research Awards for Driving Global Impact
Nature Research Awards for Driving Global Impact - Championing researchers who address global challenges.
ISC Report on Opening the Record of Science
We are delighted to inform you that the draft discussion paper has now been revised and published as an ISC report ‘Opening the Record of Science: Making scholarly publishing work for science in the digital era’.
WED2021 Poster Design Competition
In celebration of World Engineering Day (WED) 2021, the Engineering for Innovative Technologies Committee (CEIT) of WFEO invites you to share your creativity by participating at the WED2021 Poster Design Competition
2021 edition of the World Engineering Day (WED) celebration
The theme of the celebration this year is "Engineering for A Healthy Planet: Celebrating the UNESCO Engineering Report".
Brief report of IFMBE’s statement at WHO’s 148th Executive Board
Report on WHO’s EB-148 agenda point 11 "Standardization of medical devices nomenclature"
IFMBE’s objectives are scientific, technological as well as educational & literary
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