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In Memoriam – Niilo Saranummi (1946 – 2018)
In Memoriam Professor Niilo Saranummi Niilo Saranummi was a distinguished engineer and remarkable scientist who left a deep impact in the field of biomedical engineering and health informatics worldwide: in his home country, Finland, in Europe as one of the...
Presentations from the WHO Non-Ionizing Radiation Meeting, 27-29 May 2019 Geneva, Switzerland
>> View the presentation slides
WHO Health Tech Announcements
>> Read the January 2019 newsletter on medical...
Apply for 2019 ACCE Scholarship
The American College of Clinical Engineering will award one scholarship to a student studying to become a Clinical Engineer.
The scholarship of $1,500 will be awarded at the 2019 ACCE members meeting/awards reception in June 2019, in Cleveland, Ohio.
AAMI Awards Now Open
Who are your outstanding peers in healthcare technology? Now’s the time to give them a chance to stand in the limelight.
Each year, AAMI recognizes leaders and innovators who are moving the healthcare technology industry forward. AAMI needs your help!
Until Jan. 7, 2019, you can nominate yourself or other leaders in the industry for an AAMI award.
4th WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices
WHO cordially invites you to the 4th WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices “Increasing access to medical devices” which will be held in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, from Thursday 13th to Saturday 15th, December 2018.
MBEC Nightingale Awards
Nightingale Awards for Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
IFMBE’s objectives are scientific, technological as well as educational & literary
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