Call for hosting WFEO CIC and WiE committees

The World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) opened a call to renew the hosts of two of the Federation's committees, i.e.: - the Committee on Information and Communication (CIC) - the Committee...

IOMP’s 60th Anniversary

This year the International Organization for Medical Physics celebrates its 60th Anniversary. The celebration is aimed to raise awareness about the role medical physicists play for benefit of patients. In conjunction with the 11th International Day of Medical Physics...

IFMBE News is the newsletter of the International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering. It is published bimonthly.


IFMBE News is a fully electronic newsletter, which contains information on the activities of the Federation and its national affiliates, on forthcoming scientific meetings and on features on new developments within the field. The News is also available in downloadable PDF format using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Letter to Editor


If you have any comments or wish to contribute an article or news to IFMBE News,
please write to the Editor:

Prof. Igor Lackovic


IFMBE News (No. 102)
IFMBE News (No. 101)


IFMBE News (No. 100)
IFMBE News (No. 99)


IFMBE News (No. 98)


IFMBE News (No. 97)
IFMBE News (No. 96)
IFMBE News (No. 95)